Tim Campbell - Professional Pet Photographer - Colorado Springs, CO
Portraits for your four-legged family members, done on location with mobile studio photo equipment.
The first job Tim had that required using a camera was as a private investigator conducting surveillance on fraud cases. After becoming more interested in the photography aspect of the work, Tim completed an A.A.S. in Commercial photography and moved to Brooklyn, NY where he lived in a live/work photo studio in D.U.M.B.O. The initial interest of his work centered on documentary-style portraiture; to capture the disposition and natural expressions of people. He began working freelance jobs, assistant photographer jobs and spent a year as a photo studio manager. There were many nights at the famous Webster Hall photographing the fledgling bands of the day, late nights at the legendary CBGB, and travel all along the tri-state area for a variety of editorial work.
Tim's education and associations include: A.A.S. Commercial Photography, B.A. Psychology, M.A. Organizational Development & Leadership, ISKF/JKA Shodan (1st deg.) Psi Chi National Honor Society, and Golden Key International Honor Society.
Travel within the El Paso County area of Colorado Springs, CO.
Please contact me through Petworks. Thank you so much!
Pricing Packages
How do you serve precious pets?
- Pet Photography
What part of the animal kingdom do you serve?
- Birds
- Cats
- Dogs
- Horses
Cat-astrophes happen! What is your cancellation policy?
- 48 hours notice required
Which part of the country do you serve pets?
What year did you begin serving pets?
How do you serve precious pets?
- Pet Photography
What part of the animal kingdom do you serve?
- Birds
- Cats
- Dogs
- Horses
Cat-astrophes happen! What is your cancellation policy?
- 48 hours notice required
Which part of the country do you serve pets?
What year did you begin serving pets?