Reiki with Deanna - Animal Reiki Care - Nationwide
Animals vibrate at higher frequency levels than humans and are extremely sensitive to energy, making Energy Work a very effective healing method for them. I do it for ALL types of animals - dogs, cats, bunnies, goats, pigs, horses, donkeys, cows, lambs, sheep, chickens, roosters, ducks, pigeons, turkeys, peacocks, fish, etc.
I am grateful for veterinarians and love them, but sometimes they can only do so much, and then people don't know what else to do. Energy healing can often resolve issues that western medicine can’t. Most of the animals who I work with have chronic conditions that vets say “can’t be cured”, and fur babies have to take medication for the rest of their lives, which is extremely toxic. Pharmaceutical drugs treat *symptoms*, like putting a bandaid on it, but they don't cure the underlying problem, and animals usually suffer from side-effects. I believe in a combination of western and alternative medicine, but sometimes lines need to be drawn, and a leap of faith and trust in alternative healing modalities is required. I would NOT have quit my corporate job in 2019, if energy healing didn’t work. Some of the benefits include:
* Decrease stress & anxiety
* Reduce aches & pains
* Reverse illnesses & diseases
* Defuse aggression
* Promote relaxation & better sleep
* Accelerate rate of recovery from injury
* Alleviate PTSD & depression
* Relieve side effects of medication/drugs
* Strengthen immune system
* Promote deeper bond between parent, fur baby & siblings
* Flush out toxins
* Ease muscle tension and stiffness
* Remove energy blocks
* Clear, unblock and balance chakras
* Provides comfort & serenity before passing away
Most of my sessions for cats and dogs are from afar because I usually combine multiple techniques, and it wouldn’t be feasible in-person. For example, animals probably wouldn’t let me wave a crystal over and underneath their bodies for 1.5 hours while I clear their chakras/auras/organs/bodies and throw negative energy into a bowl of salt water.
Before any session, I communicate with animals telepathically to introduce myself, let them know what I'll be doing, and how it can help them. It's important that animals understand *they* are in total control, and they have all the power. It's up to them, if they want to take the energy into their bodies or not. They have a choice, and it's their decision. Animals always want it, though!
It's also important for us to know if energy work is helping them. So, I tell fur babies to communicate with you/their parents and let you know if they liked it or not. If they liked it and feel better, I ask them to show and tell you - by being more affectionate, cuddly, playful, energetic, talkative, and have a good appetite and drink plenty of water. If they didn't like it or benefit from the session, I tell them to isolate themselves, be distant, and don't interact with you.
I’ve helped animals with the following problems:
Allergies & Rashes
Broken Bond with human Mom/Dad
Constant Barking
Corona Virus
Digestive/Gastrointestinal issues
Ear Infection
Eosinophilic Granuloma
Excessive Licking (paws, legs)
Eye Infection
FIP - Feline Infectious Peritonitis
Flea Bites
Fur Loss/Thinning
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Legs, ACLs, Paws, Hips, Shoulders, Back/Vertebrae/Spine, Mouth
Lipomas (benign tumors/fatty lumps of tissue)
Low Energy / Lethargy
No Appetite
Passing over the rainbow bridge
Peeing on the furniture, beds, rugs
PTSD & Trauma
Recovery from Surgery
Running away from home
Skin Tags & Moles
Stomach Aches / Abdominal Pain
Tear Duct Blockages
Teeth/Mouth Issues
Urinary Tract Infection
and more!
Sometimes I receive messages from animals, but I'm *not* a professional Animal Communicator - so it doesn't happen every single time. I'm convinced they can hear and understand me, though (based on client feedback)! So, if there's anything you want me to tell them, I can reiterate/relay messages to them on your behalf :-) This has helped clear the air, and resolve many misunderstandings and issues for clients and their pets in the past!
- Licensed
- Certified
- Insured
- Online Sessions
Pricing Packages
Reiki is the Japanese version of Energy Healing. Practitioners channel Universal Life Force Energy and transfer it to the recipient through their hands - either in person or from afar. It helps eliminate/reduce physical pain, emotional/psychological issues, and reverse diseases, illnesses, and chronic conditions.
I offer a free 30-minute phone consultation and always talk to clients first (prior to a session) to gather information, answer questions, figure out the best approach, and explain the process.
Every practitioner is different (like any profession). If I were looking for a healer, I would want to get a feel for different ones, talk to them, read testimonials, see who resonates with me, and then trust my intuition, and go with my heart. So I want to provide others with that opportunity.
There's a lot of preparation work that I do before every session - so it's important that we talk so that I have the necessary information to prep. If you don't want to chat, I may not be the right practitioner for you.
There are testimonials on my site, IG and FB - just google "Reiki with Deanna" in San Francisco. Let me know your availability for a consultation - no pressure or obligation to book a session. We can chat, and then if you want to move forward, just come back to PetWorks to submit payment, and we can compare calendars. Thank you! :-)
Animals and people store negative emotions/feelings, experiences and memories in different parts of their bodies. This is natural and unavoidable - no one is at fault - it's just part of life. People who are clairvoyant can actually see the negative/dirty energy in and around different parts of the body and surrounding the entire body. It accumulates over time, and once an animal/person hits their threshold, it results in physical issues, illnesses, diseases, and chronic conditions.
Energy Work can help flush out, purge and release the negative/dirty/diseased/toxic energy and is necessary, in order to heal. If you don't do it through Energy Work, it will need to be purged out through some other method.
This package includes:
- Chakra Summary
- Cutting Negative Energy Cords
- Straightening Energy Rays
- Clearing Auras & the Body
- Unblocking/Energizing Chakras (and parts of the body & organs, depending on the issue)
- Releasing Negative Attachments
I have "formulas" that help reverse common diseases, illnesses, pain, and chronic conditions (physical & emotional/mental). They are like "recipes", but for healing instead of food. It includes cleansing and energizing chakras and various parts of the body with different colored light, in a specific order, for a certain amount of time.
I offer a free 30-minute phone consultation and always talk to clients first (prior to a session) to gather information, answer questions, figure out the best approach, and explain the process.
Every practitioner is different (like any profession). So I recommend talking with a few of them first, read testimonials, and see who resonates with you. Then trust your intuition, and go with your heart. You will be guided to the right one.
There's a lot of preparation work that I do before every session - so it's important that we talk so that I have the necessary information to prep. If you don't want to chat, I may not be the right practitioner for you.
There are testimonials on my site, IG and FB - just google "Reiki with Deanna" in San Francisco. Let me know your availability for a consultation - no pressure or obligation to book a session. We can chat, and then if you want to move forward, just come back to PetWorks to submit payment, and we can compare calendars. Thank you! :-)
Includes everything in the "Clearing/Unblocking" package, plus we will discuss possible Root Cause(s) of your fur baby's condition.
It's important to identify the Root Cause(s) of physical issues for a few reasons:
- Stop problems from getting worse
- Accelerate the healing process
- Prevent issues from traveling somewhere else in the body
- If/when an animal is healed, we don’t want the issue coming back
There can be multiple causes. For example, if a cat can't walk because he/she has osteoarthritis, most people would say the root cause is osteoarthritis. Yes, that's the physical/obvious reason and diagnosis from the vet. However, there can be other mental/emotional and psychological factors that also contribute to physical conditions. When I first started doing energy healing, things would pop into my head about "why" my clients had pain in certain areas of the body, or why they had specific diseases or chronic conditions, and how they could reverse it. Later, I discovered this is what "Medical Intuitives" do.
I will help you figure out the Root Cause(s), and of course release the toxicity and negative energy, emotions/feelings, experiences and memories that are stored in your fur baby’s body.
My goal is to eliminate/reduce any suffering, help expedite your pet's healing journey, and minimize the number of sessions needed.
This is the most thorough package that yields faster results.
It includes everything in the "Clearing/Unblocking + Root Cause” package, plus Reiki.
I will also include 2 additional Reiki sessions (2 hrs each) that will repeat after the initial session. This will help your fur baby's body replenish and assimilate all of the energy, recalibrate, rebalance, and smooth things out while the system gets back into equilibrium.
Package includes:
- Chakra Summary
- Cutting Negative Energy Cords
- Straightening Energy Rays
- Clearing auras & the body
- Unblocking/Energizing Chakras (and parts of the body & organs, depending on the issue)
- Clearing Negative Attachments
- Reiki (includes 2 repeat sessions, 2 hours each)
- Root Cause Discussion & Recommendations/Action Items
I like to clear/unblock everything first, before doing Reiki. Otherwise, your fur baby might not receive all of the energy because of the blockages. It's also important to get the negative energy out and cleanse first because you don't want it getting pushed further into the body.
Please read these packages for more information:
- "Clearing/Unblocking"
- "Clearing/Unblocking + Root Cause”
I offer a free 30-minute phone consultation and always talk to clients first (prior to a session) to gather information, answer questions, figure out the best approach, and explain the process.
Every practitioner is different (like any profession). So I recommend talking with a few of them first, read testimonials, and see who resonates with you. Then trust your intuition, and go with your heart. You will be guided to the right one.
There's a lot of preparation work that I do before every session - so it's important that we talk so that I have the necessary information to prep. If you don't want to chat, I may not be the right practitioner for you.
There are testimonials on my site, IG and FB - just google "Reiki with Deanna" in San Francisco. Let me know your availability for a consultation - no pressure or obligation to book a session. We can chat, and then if you want to move forward, just come back to PetWorks to submit payment, and we can compare calendars. Thank you! :-)
How do you serve precious pets?
- Animal Reiki
- Pet Distance Reiki
- Reiki For Dogs
What part of the animal kingdom do you serve?
- Alpacas
- Birds
- Cats
- Chickens
- Chinchillas
- Dogs
- Ducks
- Ferrets
- Fish
- Frogs
- Gerbils
- Goats
- Guinea Pigs
- Hamsters
- Hedgehogs
- Horses
- Lizards
- Mice
- Parrots
- Rabbits
- Rats
- Snakes
- Turtles
What licensing do you have?
- Business License
On a scale of snail to elephant, what size animals do you work with?
- 20-39 lbs
- 40-79 lbs
- 80+ lbs
- under 20 lbs
Pet Certifications
- Certified Animal Reiki Practitioner
- Certified Animal Reiki Teacher
- Certified Crystal Practitioner
Cat-astrophes happen! What is your cancellation policy?
- 48 hours notice required
Which part of the country do you serve pets?
Nationwide. I'm in San Francisco California/Bay Area, but I can do Reiki from afar, anywhere in the world.
What year did you begin serving pets?
How did you hone your craft?
Initially, I volunteered at multiple animal sanctuaries every week, healed my own bunny rabbit, and worked with people's pets in-person and from afar.
What tip would you give pet parents for working with animals that you've learned as a pro?
I believe in a combination of western medicine and alternative healing methods. Vets are amazing and save animals' lives every day, but sometimes they can only do so much. Energy Healing has been able to elongate some pets' lives up to 4 years in my experience, after the vets recommended euthanasia. It's worth a try, especially because animals vibrate at a higher frequency level than humans and are extremely responsive to energy healing. From my observation, they can feel, see, hear and smell the energy. Their response to Reiki is all the proof that I need to undoubtedly know energy healing is *real* and works. I communicate with animals during Reiki sessions. So they will give you a sign if it's helping. Parents know their fur babies best - so you will be able to tell :-) Multiple sessions might be required for diseases/illnesses and physical pain, but sometimes 1 session is enough!! Choose a practitioner who you get a good feeling about - your fur baby and spirit guides will lead you to the right one :-) I also recommend holistic veterinarians. I've learned so much about what's wrong with traditional pet food, litter, prescription drugs, vaccines, etc. Most of us are just doing what vets tell us to do, but there's so much they don't know that's being surfaced and brought to light. It's not their fault - vets are just doing what they were trained to do. But so much is changing (thank goodness)!
What is one thing you want pet parents to know about you? It can be whatev-fur you'd like!
I would not have quit my corporate job (after 18+ years) if Energy Healing didn't work. Everyday I’m in awe - it really is miraculous. After witnessing what Energy Healing can do, receiving positive feedback from people, and experiencing it for myself, I decided I would be insane to keep selling software for the rest of my life. Doctors told me I needed “double knee surgery” in 2015, but I found alternative ways to heal them myself (twice), and they still don't understand how I'm standing/walking with no cartilage (bone-on-bone). After divine intervention, I also saved my bunny’s life. There are a bunch of testimonials on my site, if you google “Reiki With Deanna”. I don’t take credit for any healings though - it’s the Universal Life Force Energy, and I’m being guided. I’ve learned that it's important to get to the "root cause" of physical issues (which is usually emotional/mental) because if your fur baby gets healed, you don't want the problem to come back or travel somewhere else in their body. I can help you figure out the root causes. My belief is that every animal (and person) can be healed, if issues/diseases/conditions are caught early enough, and if alternative methods are applied sooner rather than later. My purpose in this lifetime is to help heal as many animals and people as possible and share what I’ve learned. We are ALL on crazy and amazing journeys of growth and evolution, and everyone deserves to enjoy life and be happy the majority of the time :) It IS possible.

Customer Reviews
Deanna is a joy to work with! She is thorough, compassionate, and clearly cares about her clients, both animals and their people.
- Mary SPet Pro's Response:
I loved working with Mary and Zahra!! Mary was so good about providing updates after the energy work for Zahra - I really appreciated the open communication and information. It always makes me happy to hear positive feedback. I'm so glad there were some improvements that could be measured! Thank you for trusting me, Mary! And thank you, Zahra, for letting me help you :-) Sending big hugs to both of you.
- Deanna TsangHow do you serve precious pets?
- Animal Reiki
- Pet Distance Reiki
- Reiki For Dogs
What part of the animal kingdom do you serve?
- Alpacas
- Birds
- Cats
- Chickens
- Chinchillas
- Dogs
- Ducks
- Ferrets
- Fish
- Frogs
- Gerbils
- Goats
- Guinea Pigs
- Hamsters
- Hedgehogs
- Horses
- Lizards
- Mice
- Parrots
- Rabbits
- Rats
- Snakes
- Turtles
What licensing do you have?
- Business License
On a scale of snail to elephant, what size animals do you work with?
- 20-39 lbs
- 40-79 lbs
- 80+ lbs
- under 20 lbs
Pet Certifications
- Certified Animal Reiki Practitioner
- Certified Animal Reiki Teacher
- Certified Crystal Practitioner
Cat-astrophes happen! What is your cancellation policy?
- 48 hours notice required
Which part of the country do you serve pets?
Nationwide. I'm in San Francisco California/Bay Area, but I can do Reiki from afar, anywhere in the world.
What year did you begin serving pets?
How did you hone your craft?
Initially, I volunteered at multiple animal sanctuaries every week, healed my own bunny rabbit, and worked with people's pets in-person and from afar.
What tip would you give pet parents for working with animals that you've learned as a pro?
I believe in a combination of western medicine and alternative healing methods. Vets are amazing and save animals' lives every day, but sometimes they can only do so much. Energy Healing has been able to elongate some pets' lives up to 4 years in my experience, after the vets recommended euthanasia. It's worth a try, especially because animals vibrate at a higher frequency level than humans and are extremely responsive to energy healing. From my observation, they can feel, see, hear and smell the energy. Their response to Reiki is all the proof that I need to undoubtedly know energy healing is *real* and works. I communicate with animals during Reiki sessions. So they will give you a sign if it's helping. Parents know their fur babies best - so you will be able to tell :-) Multiple sessions might be required for diseases/illnesses and physical pain, but sometimes 1 session is enough!! Choose a practitioner who you get a good feeling about - your fur baby and spirit guides will lead you to the right one :-) I also recommend holistic veterinarians. I've learned so much about what's wrong with traditional pet food, litter, prescription drugs, vaccines, etc. Most of us are just doing what vets tell us to do, but there's so much they don't know that's being surfaced and brought to light. It's not their fault - vets are just doing what they were trained to do. But so much is changing (thank goodness)!
What is one thing you want pet parents to know about you? It can be whatev-fur you'd like!
I would not have quit my corporate job (after 18+ years) if Energy Healing didn't work. Everyday I’m in awe - it really is miraculous. After witnessing what Energy Healing can do, receiving positive feedback from people, and experiencing it for myself, I decided I would be insane to keep selling software for the rest of my life. Doctors told me I needed “double knee surgery” in 2015, but I found alternative ways to heal them myself (twice), and they still don't understand how I'm standing/walking with no cartilage (bone-on-bone). After divine intervention, I also saved my bunny’s life. There are a bunch of testimonials on my site, if you google “Reiki With Deanna”. I don’t take credit for any healings though - it’s the Universal Life Force Energy, and I’m being guided. I’ve learned that it's important to get to the "root cause" of physical issues (which is usually emotional/mental) because if your fur baby gets healed, you don't want the problem to come back or travel somewhere else in their body. I can help you figure out the root causes. My belief is that every animal (and person) can be healed, if issues/diseases/conditions are caught early enough, and if alternative methods are applied sooner rather than later. My purpose in this lifetime is to help heal as many animals and people as possible and share what I’ve learned. We are ALL on crazy and amazing journeys of growth and evolution, and everyone deserves to enjoy life and be happy the majority of the time :) It IS possible.
Customer Reviews
Deanna is a joy to work with! She is thorough, compassionate, and clearly cares about her clients, both animals and their people.
- Mary SPet Pro Response:
I loved working with Mary and Zahra!! Mary was so good about providing updates after the energy work for Zahra - I really appreciated the open communication and information. It always makes me happy to hear positive feedback. I'm so glad there were some improvements that could be measured! Thank you for trusting me, Mary! And thank you, Zahra, for letting me help you :-) Sending big hugs to both of you.
- Deanna Tsang