Doodie-B-Gone - Pet Waste Removal - Latrobe, PA
Who We Are
Doodie-B-Gone is a family owned and operated professional dog waste removal company located in Pennsylvania. We operate year round in Westmoreland County and most surrounding areas. We specialize in the removal of dog doodies from your yard by locating, scooping, and double bagging all doodies before being placed into your trash receptacle. And we do it for a "Dog Gone Low Fee"!
Our Mission
At Doodie-B-Gone, our mission is to provide affordable and dependable pooper scooper services, all while keeping your family and "fur" family in mind.
We have been dog owners our entire lives, and there is nothing better than the unconditional love that they give us. We know you love your dog/s unconditionally too, but there is one responsibility that even the most caring and passionate dog owners wish could be avoided.
When it comes to cleaning up the dog doodies that our furry friends leave behind in the yard we all wish there was an easier, less time consuming, and less messy way to go about it. In this day and age we are working harder and we are running here, there, and everywhere in between, more than ever before. With that being said, it is understandable to be too busy, or too tired to go outside and search the yard looking for those doodies. That is were Doodie-B-Gone comes in to save the day, and save the yard. "We scoop the doo-doo for you!" We at Doodie-B-Gone want to make sure that your family and "fur" family will have a clean, healthy, and fresh smelling yard to enjoy all year long.
Pricing Packages
How do you serve precious pets?
- Dog Poop Removal
What part of the animal kingdom do you serve?
- Dogs
Cat-astrophes happen! What is your cancellation policy?
- Flexible
Which part of the country do you serve pets?
What year did you begin serving pets?
richard wood
How do you serve precious pets?
- Dog Poop Removal
What part of the animal kingdom do you serve?
- Dogs
Cat-astrophes happen! What is your cancellation policy?
- Flexible
Which part of the country do you serve pets?
What year did you begin serving pets?