Brian Belefant
- Belefant - Pet Photographer - Portland, OR
- Portland, OR - The first love of my life was Judy, a miniature dachshund my mom got me to help me get over my fear of dogs. The second love...
- Jon Deshler
- Abiqua Studio - Pet Photographer - Mt Angel, OR
- Mt Angel, OR - Seasoned professional commercial photographer, I've been published globally for the better part of three decades. Some of the animals I've photographed have included, elephant, dogs, frogs,...
- Trudy Gardner
- Trudy Gardner Dog Photography - Redmond, OR
- Redmond, OR - Dog photography shot outdoors, on location. Known for fun, colorful action shots and capturing the true personality of a dog. Photographing dogs has become an extension of...
- Bonded
- Insured
- Irene Elena Rose
- Elena Rose Pet Photography - Portland, OR
- Portland, OR - Prices and Packages for Family Pet Photography Simple Creation Fee $299 Price Includes: • Your portrait session in choice of location: natural light, your home, a special...
Kim Hoshal
- Kim Hoshal Pet Photography - Hillsboro, OR
- Hillsboro, OR - Chances are, I am the person you see at the party most likely to be talking to the dog. And while it may take me a couple...
- Insured
- Rebecca Cozart
- NosesTailsPaws Pet Photography - Keizer, OR
- Keizer, OR - Your session is specifically designed based upon the questionnaire I send you prior to the session. Your session will reflect what best meets your pet’s needs and...
- Isabella Barcellona
- Bella Barcellona Pet Photography - Beaverton, OR
- Beaverton, OR - Local to the Portland, Oregon area, I love animals and photography. This booking includes a half hour FaceTimed/Skyped consultation, the photo shoot, editing, and delivery of all...