Frequently asked questions
How do I book a Petworks pet care service professional?
Please see our pet parent tutorial page which explains in steps, how you can book a Petworks pet care service professional on our platform.
What can I find on Petworks?
A better question might be, what can't you find on Petworks? Our professionals fill every niche of the pet industry. We are truly your one-stop shop for pet health, wellness, and time of need pet care.
Is it free to use Petworks?
There's no cost to search and contact our extensive network of pet care professionals. Once you've decided to book one of our pros, there is a 5% service fee which covers the cost of online payment processing and Petworks customer support. This ensures that your booking goes through as smoothly as possible. And if your pet care booking gets cancelled, your service fee is refunded.
What kind of pets do your pros serve?
When people think of pets, they often call to mind the more common ones - cats, dogs, fish, birds, rabbits. Here at Petworks, our list goes way beyond that! Our pet pros serve all kinds of family members - whether they're furry, fluffy, feathery, scale-y, soft, spiky or slimy!
How do I find pet pros in my area?
Good question! All you have to do is decide what kind of pet pro you're looking for, click on that category on our homepage, and explore the list of pros near you! For example, if you are looking for an animal chiropractor, you would click on the 'animal chiropractic' category and we'll show you a list of dedicated, passionate pros in your area. Easy, right?
What does it mean if a pet pro is certified?
A pet pro that has a check mark next to 'Certified' on their listing has verified to us that they (or their business) have received professional certifications to work with your pet in their field. You will also see that many pros have specified what kind of licensing they have by indicating if they have a Business License or are a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Licensed Creative Arts Therapist or Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC).
What does it mean if a pet business is bonded and insured?
When a pet business is bonded, it means they have purchased a surety bond, which provides financial protection to their clients in case the business fails to fulfill its obligations or commits any misconduct. When a pet business is insured, it means they have obtained insurance coverage, offering protection against various risks, such as property damage, liability claims, or employee injuries, depending on the type of insurance they hold.
What is the best way to contact a pet pro on Petworks?
Once you explore our list of pros, we're sure you'll find something your pet needs - or maybe something you didn't even know they needed! When you do, the best way to contact a pro is by sending them a message. On every listing underneath a pro's profile icon on the right-hand side, there is the option to 'Send Message.' Your message goes directly to their Petworks inbox as well as their business email to ensure they don't miss it!
What happens after I submit a quote request to a pet pro?
Once you submit a booking request, each pet pro you select will respond to you with a customized message based on your needs for that service. You will receive an alert from us anytime a pet pro sends you a message - so you won't ever miss a thing!
Can I pay online?
Absolutely! Many of our pet pros have set up online payments. Pros who have the 'Book Now' link on their listing allow you to submit your payment directly through the site using Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Discover.
How long does it take pros to accept a booking?
Once you submit your payment info for one of our pet pros, they have 3 days to accept or decline the booking. If they accept, your credit card will be charged.
What if a pet pro doesn't accept my booking?
Sometimes a pet pro may need to decline your booking. Don't worry - your credit card will not be charged if this happens. Whatev-fur their reason may be, feel free to contact our team to help you find another qualified pro for the job!
How do I mark a booking complete?
Once a pet pro has delivered their service to you successfully, we ask that you log back into your account and mark the booking complete. You will also be able to leave a rating & review for the pro at this time.
What if I need to cancel a booking?
If you need to cancel a booking, the first thing to do is message the pet pro and let them know. That way, they can adjust their schedule accordingly. Then, if you need to request a refund, please email [email protected], and we'll get it processed for you as quickly as possible.
What do I do if a pet pro doesn't deliver their service as promised?
Oh no! We hope this won't happen, but want to help you resolve the issue as quickly as possible if it does. We recommend communicating directly with the pet pro first, to discuss what went wrong and how best to move forward. Our team will also be notified to help you navigate the situation and find a solution.
Can I leave a review afterwards?
Yes, please do! It would be-hoof you and other pet parents to leave reviews! We are proud of the work our pet pros do and want to show our appreciation when they make a difference in the lives of your pets. If for some reason they were not up to your standards, your review helps them improve their business and guides other pet parents who are looking for the purr-fect pet pro! Petworks reserves the right to remove offensive, derogatory, or defaming reviews at our discretion.
What is the benefit to booking through Petworks?
When you choose to book your pet care through Petworks, our concierge team will do everything we can to help you through the process. We're committed to ensuring a safe and secure platform for pet parents like you. When you book and pay through Petworks, you're covered by Petworks Protection. Petworks Protection safeguards pet parents by helping to peacefully resolve booking disputes between parents and pros, and by facilitating refunds when circumstances warrant.
How long has Petworks been around?
Petworks, as it currently exists today, launched in 2021. There was an earlier version of the platform called 'Petmasters', but the founders decided to re-launch it as Petworks in 2021.
How can I contact Petworks?f
If you have additional questions about Petworks, by all means send us a message and we will get back to you ASAP.
For Pet Pros
Are there tutorials available so that I can learn more about Petworks and how I can manage and optimize my Petworks account?
Yes, we have over 30 tutorials available ("pro tips") which explain everything from setting up your listing page to getting booked and paid by pet parents.
What are the paw-sitives of listing with Petworks?
By joining our pet lovin' community, you get to promote your business and build relationships with pet parents and pet care service professionals who share your love of animals! Most importantly - pet parents will find, book, and pay you on the Petworks platform. Your pet care business will grow!
So how do I apply to become a member and list my pet care service business?
First, you'll need to create an account by going here: Then, just follow our simple step-by-step instructions to apply for membership. Petworks will then review your application to make sure it meets our criteria. Pending approval, you'll then be able to start connecting with pets and their families, and you'll start getting booked. We also have Petworks membership application signup pages for specific pet care service categories: pet nutritionist jobs ; pet loss grief counseling clients ; pet portrait artist commissions ; animal chiropractor business ; pet transport jobs ; lost pet recovery work ; dog trainer jobs.
How much does it cost to become a member?
There is no cost to become a member of Petworks. When you are booked by a pet parent through the Petworks platform, we withhold 15% of the proceeds as a booking fee. For example, if a pet parent books you for $200, Petworks keeps $30, and we securely transfer $170 directly into your bank account.
How do I become a 'Featured' member with a featured listing page?
Having a 'Featured' membership and having your listing page featured in search results is an earned designation. Petworks features our pet care professionals who consistently book the most, as compared to their category peers, on the Petworks platform. We also factor in pet parent reviews and overall professionalism - when determining which pet care professionals are featured at the top of search results. The Petworks quality care team regularly reviews all pet pro listing pages for accuracy, professionalism, and most recent booking data.
How do I achieve Verified status?
Verified status not only enhances trust, but also ensures a seamless user experience for all Petworks pet parents and pet care professionals. To achieve and maintain Verified status, you must: 1. Be enrolled in our Booking Program via online payments ; 2. Be a member in good standing by adhering to our Terms of Use.
Can I include a Youtube video with my listing?
Yes, you can (and should!) include a Youtube video with your listing.
Can I include a website link or contact information in my description?
We ask that you refrain from including website links, email addresses, and phone numbers in your description, pricing packages, and auto-responder message. You ARE permitted to provide contact information after you've had an initial messaging through our platform. We recognize this may be necessary to schedule appointments.
What is the ideal size for a listing photo?
The best size photo for the website is 960px wide by 540px tall (16:9 ratio). If the photo is a different ratio, the website will crop the photo. Photos must be jpg, png, or gif. If you have problems upload photos, please feel free to send the photos to [email protected] and we will upload them for you.
How will I be alerted a pet parent is contacting me?
Be on the look out for texts and emails with the subject line "A Petworks Parent is Asking For You" which means a pet parent has contacted you. We recommend you whitelist the email address [email protected] so these important message alert emails don't end up in your junk/spam folder.
How does the booking process work?
Here is a helpful YouTube video which is a great tutorial explaining the Petworks platform booking process.
How do I add or modify my pricing?
Assuming you are logged into Petworks, you can add, edit, and delete pricing packages by going to
How do pet parents pay me?
Once you enroll in online payments, pet parents book you online using Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Discover. Our payments are powered by Stripe.
I'm reluctant to give you my banking information. Is it secure?
We use Stripe to handle all of our payment processing. They are the industry leader in online payments with over $12 billion in annual revenue, and top level security & encryption in place. Their clients include Amazon, Google, and Shopify - just to name a few. You would be providing your information to Stripe, not to Petworks.
How long do I have to accept a booking?
You have 3 days. It's important that you respond within this timeframe because if you don't do so within 3 days, the transaction will automatically be cancelled and the pet parent will not be charged.
Can I decline a booking?
Yes, you have the option to accept or decline a booking. If you decline the booking, the pet parent's credit card will not be charged. We recommend communicating directly with pet parents if you decline a booking due to a conflict with date or time. You may be able to reschedule or propose a new plan of action.
When do I get paid?
When a pet parent books your service and you accept the booking, their credit card is charged. The funds will then automatically be transferred by Stripe to your bank account on file. This generally takes 2-3 business days although the very first payment you receive through Petworks may take a bit longer.
How do I update my bank information on file?
You can do by logging into your pet pro dashboard, and clicking on the 'Accept Payments' tab. There you will see an 'Edit Details' link that will allow you to update your bank information on file.
How do I pay Petworks the booking fee?
Once you are enrolled in the Petworks booking program (powered by Stripe), the booking fee will be automatically be withheld from your payout. This will happen automatically.
For those not yet enrolled in our booking program, you can pay us three ways:
- 1. Credit Card
- 2. PayPal
3. Venmo @petworks_com
How do I refund a customer who paid me through Petworks?
If you need to refund a pet parent for any reason, just send an email to [email protected]. Let us know whether it's a full or partial refund, and if partial, what the amount is. We'll process the refund for you, and we will send a receipt to the pet parent.
What do I do if a pet parent disputes a booking?
If a pet parent feels that your service has not been delivered as promised, they have the right to dispute it. We recommend communicating directly with the pet parent to find out what went wrong and how best to move forward. Our team will also be notified, to help you and the pet parent navigate the situation and find a solution quickly.
What if you don't have my category?
If your unique service is missing from our website, please send us an email and let us know what you're all about! In the meantime, you can always create a listing under the 'Other Pet Specialities' category. This category holds some of our most unique pet services that may not be as well known or frequently used - but that doesn't make them any less special!
How can pet parents rate/review me?
After a pet parent has booked and used your services, they will have the option to write a review and rate the quality of their experience with you, which other pet parents will then be able to see.
How do pet parents find Petworks?
Our pet parents find us primarily through Google and Facebook - though we are ramping up our marketing on Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn as well. With Google, they may do a keyword search and one of our pages comes up or they may notice a paid ad on the right-hand side. Some pet parents view us on other websites that participate in Google's display ad network. On Facebook, people may come across our website as a result of a piece of content that their Facebook friend shared or commented on, or they may see one of our paid ads in their newsfeed.
What geographic areas does Petworks cover?
Petworks is a nationwide platform, with pet professionals listed in every state of the U.S. When pet parents want to find a pet pro, they simply choose a category and explore the list of purr-fessionals near them!
Can I create a listing if I'm not in the U.S.?
We are currently focused on building up our community of pet pros and pet parents within the United States. For this reason, we're only looking for pet lovers in the United States to join us (for now!)
How can I contribute original content to Petworks?
We pride ourselves on creating a platform for useful, original, and information-rich content that is driven by pet industry pros like yourself! After all, you are the experts - and we can all learn a lot from you! If you have a piece of content to contribute, please send it to [email protected] and we'll happily review it. The format can be Microsoft Word, Google Doc or PDF. Typical posts are about 1,000 words (but we're flexible!). Be sure to include 1-3 photos with the article along with author bio and author thumbnail photo. If your piece is selected for publication, your services and published post may receive additional promotional credit from us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more!
What if I want to cancel my membership?
Please drop an email to [email protected] and we'll get it taken care asap. We can't promise we won't try to talk you out it!
I have a legacy subscription membership. How do I update the credit/debit card information on file?
While there's not a way at this time to update your credit card information through the Petworks dashboard, you can request that we send you a link that will allow you to securely update your billing information. To request this link, please send an email to [email protected], and we'll get that to you as quickly as possible.
What if I am unable to login?
Here's the steps to reset your password so you can login:
Where is Petworks based?
The Petworks platform is nationwide, but we are based in Connecticut.
What if I still have questions?
If you have additional questions about how things work at Petworks, please send us a message and someone will get back to you ASAP.