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Want Your Dog to Listen to You? Be Someone Worth Listening to

Hiking with dog

by Sandra Roosna, CCDT, FDM, & owner of Benny’s Best Dog Training.

Want your dog to listen to you? Be someone worth listening to.


Establish a relationship with your dog.

Your relationship is the basis for trust and safety. It is what helps your dog to recognize that you make the right decisions, so they don’t feel the need to step up to the plate when a situation may call for it (what we define as “misbehavior”). (more…)

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Personal Puppy Training

Bringing a new puppy into your life can be one of the most rewarding experiences. Their boundless energy, infectious enthusiasm, and unwavering loyalty can quickly win over any heart. However, along with the joy of puppy parenthood comes a set of challenges. From toilet training to behavioral issues, raising a well-adjusted canine companion requires time, effort, and expertise. This is where the role of a personal puppy trainer comes into play. In this article, I’ll explore the benefits of hiring a personal puppy trainer, and how they can make a significant difference in your pup’s development and your overall peace of mind. (more…)

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Your Guide to Adopting a Dog or Cat

By Alex Eaton, owner of Healing Bay Pet Nutrition.

Congratulations! You have made the wonderful decision to adopt a furry family member. It’s an exciting feeling, but figuring out the next steps can be a little daunting — especially for those new to pet parenting. Whether you’re adopting a new fluffy puppy or a senior kitty, here are some important tips and tricks you need to know to build a strong relationship with your new pet — and ensure they have proper care from the moment they arrive home.


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Teaching Your Cat to Sit

cat training

by Stacy Ferrara,  Pawsitive Potential.

There’s that old joke about “herding cats” that’s used to describe something extremely difficult, if not impossible. Cats have always been thought of as independent and aloof creatures that do what they want on their own time. This likely comes from comparing them to dogs who have entirely different behaviors and motivations. The reality is that cats can be trained to do a variety of things. It can be retraining a negative behavior to something more pleasing to their guardians (such as using the litter box) or learning to “SIT” on command. Sometimes the biggest hurdle is training the guardians to realize that training really is possible. (more…)

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Vet Telehealth vs Veterinary Telemedicine

As responsible pet parents, staying abreast of the latest available pet health and wellness care services available is important for ensuring the well-being of our furry companions. Recent strides in veterinary technology have revolutionized the way pet parents access essential veterinary services, making it more convenient than ever to provide optimal care for our beloved pets.

While the terms vet telehealth and veterinary telemedicine may seem interchangeable, it’s important to recognize that these two pet care services serve distinct purposes. Vet telehealth primarily focuses on providing advice and guidance related to a pet’s general health and wellness, whereas veterinary telemedicine mirrors an in-person veterinary visit, enabling veterinarians to diagnose conditions and prescribe medication remotely. In this guide, we’ll delve into the differences between these services and how pet parents can utilize them to support their furry friends effectively.

Distinguishing Between Vet Telehealth & Veterinary Telemedicine

Vet telehealth utilizes electronic communication methods, such as video calls, to provide pet parents with access to education, resources, and advice concerning their pet’s health. This service is invaluable for addressing various aspects of pet care, including nutritional planning, behavior and training consultations, emergency triage guidance, preventative care advice, and assistance with international or interstate travel planning. Conversely, veterinary telemedicine involves virtual consultations guided by state regulations, akin to traditional in-person veterinary visits. These consultations enable veterinarians to review a pet’s medical history, prescribe or adjust medications, discuss treatment options, order blood work and diagnostics, and address non-emergency health concerns. Additionally, telemedicine services can facilitate end-of-life or palliative care planning, offering pet parents compassionate support during difficult times.

Understanding Telemedicine for Dogs and Cats

Veterinary telemedicine services offer unparalleled flexibility for pet parents, allowing them to seek care for their pets from the comfort of their own homes. There are now many online platforms which utilize video consultations to address non-emergency pet issues, providing a stress-free alternative to traditional veterinary visits. During these video consultations, veterinarians discuss the pet’s health needs with the pet parent, offering diagnosis, treatment recommendations, and, when appropriate, prescription medication. Despite its convenience, telemedicine is intended solely for non-emergency pet issues. In cases of serious or life-threatening medical emergencies, prompt care should be sought at an emergency or urgent care clinic.

Understanding Telehealth for Dogs and Cats

Vet telehealth services offer unparalleled flexibility for pet parents, allowing them to seek care for their pets from the comfort of their own homes. Platforms like Petworks utilize video consultations to address non-emergency pet care services needs, such as private dog training sessions and animal nutrition consultations, providing a stress-free alternative to traditional mobile veterinary visits. 

The Future of Pet Telehealth and Animal Telemedicine in Veterinary Care

Telehealth and telemedicine services represent the future of veterinary care, offering numerous advantages that enhance accessibility, communication, and efficiency. By harnessing technology to access veterinary guidance and support, pet parents can save time, receive timely assistance, and strengthen their bond with their veterinary teams. As these technology-driven services continue to evolve and expand, it’s evident that they are here to stay, revolutionizing the way pet parents engage with veterinary care. By embracing telehealth and telemedicine, pet parents can take proactive steps towards safeguarding the health and well-being of their beloved pets, ensuring they receive the care and attention they deserve, whenever and wherever they need it.

About the Author

Petworks Pet Care Services
Petworks Co-Founder Kevin Kinyon is a life-long animal lover who works tirelessly to improve the lives of pets and their parents. Human and animal qualities he values most are integrity, humor, and empathy.